Friday, August 21, 2009

How can i update my avg antivirus withought internet access ?

i am using avg free adition antivirus.

How can i update my avg antivirus withought internet access ?norton

Learn computer code, write your own definitions, then install them. If you don't have internet access, why would you need it updated?

How can i update my avg antivirus withought internet access ?spyware remover

download the latest version with updates from on another computer and then transfer them with a flash drive
Computers are never isolated (even with no internet conncection) you do use CD's and flash drives which may have been connected to a virus infected machine and your machine may also get infected. Best practice is have all Windows updates and patches installed on your PC (this is possible only with internet connection), and update your anti-virus with latest virus definitions. The reason for this is new viruses that come up are so smart that they look for the security gaps in the windows, and disable the anti-virus and create havoc. To be on the safe side, spend some money, get internet connection, get windows updated and get virus definitions updated... but if you still want to take your chances...go to any Cyber cafe and download the virus definitions and copy the same on a flash drive and update your PC... good luck...
you wouldnt even need to have a virus scanner if your computer is isolated like that. it is only really necessary when on the internet and open to anything.

also, abandon avg it is worthless. my impression of avg it says - you now have a virus.... oh well.

rather than what you would like to hear... hey we blocked a virus, dont worry its taken care of.

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